Saturday, July 25, 2009

Communication with Chinese Human Rights

To: China Society for Human Rights 23 July 2009

Dear Sir:

I am a Chinese citizen form Shanghai.

I have been subjected to a serious systematic rights abuse in a foreign country: Republic of Maldives for more than past 15 years. I have been fighting for the dignity and rights of a Chinese since then.

After failures of many trying for a just diplomatic solutions of my issue from Chinese government, the case of my long arbitrary detention in Maldives was filed by Chinese government to The International Court of Justice [ICJ] in May 2003.ICJ began its investigation in June 2003.But got into pending in September 2003.

UN has every systems and rules to address the case of my kind and in resuming the ICJ investigation. But the UN system never works on my complaints to UN Human Rights Council. It was only because one of senior staff in UN Human Rights Commission was bought over by the government of Maldives in2008.Now he has to do more wrong to cover up the wrong that he has done in past. It caused my case have no way to reach a just solution and in my present life I have to face great danger and great difficulties.

The detail information of my issue has been provided in my blog:

I call for help of China society for Human Rights to take urgent and firm steps to rescuer me from endangered my life safety and to provide me the way in quest of justice.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Thank you.

Your Sincerely

Richard Wu Mei De

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

My Declaration (video)

The information provided in this blog are the true facts of my issue.

Over 15 years of arbitrary detention in full knowledge of both Chinese and the Maldivian governments, as well as the United Nations and Amnesty International would seem unbelievable in today's world. But it's a true fact.

Anyone can see this from these documents. What my suffering has brought up is not only a challenge to redress my despoiled rights, but an opportunity to address the ineffective function of the world Human Rights Protection System, and to enhance Human Rights in the Maldives.

I call for everyone to contribute to the effort of safeguarding Human Rights in any part of the World.

Where I sleep now

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

The letter to President on 1st July 2009


1st July 2009

His Excellency President

The President Office Male’

Your Excellency President Mohamed Nasheed,

I would like to clarify whether the great difficulties I have been facing was really the policy of the Government to force me lodging my case in Maldivian Court.

I am sending the copy of the letters communicating between me and The Home Ministry which clearly showed the policy and stance from both sides.

In whichever the legal institution to finalize my issue, an independent investigation is necessarily required. I prefer to resume the investigation of the UN Court which has been pending since September 2003.

I would like to obtain the clear viewpoint of yours over this issue. I also wish to express my viewpoint that putting pressure on my subsistence would not bring any good to progress the issue.

Best Regards.

Your Sincerely

Richard Wu Mei De