Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Special Procedure of United Nation Human Rights Council (30th June 2009)


30th June 2009

To: Special Procedure of United Nation Human Rights Council

Dear Sir,

When I came to know the information about the Special Procedure of United Nations Human Rights Council, I did my first complaint for my issue of a very serious systematic rights abuse to the Council on 5th May 2009. After a month, on 4th June 2009 I did another complaint attached with a larger number of 34 documents to provide detail information of this issue to the council. But I neither get any reply from the Council non getting better condition in my present efforts of seeking for redressing my despoiled rights set forth in the Universal declaration of Human Rights and other related International Human Rights laws and conventions. I got even much worse conditions then before I did my complaint.

During this period, I received several letters from the Deputy Minister of Home Affairs of Maldives and I attended once meeting in the Home Ministry on 22nd June 2009, with some senior officers of the Home Ministry including the Deputy Minister. The purpose of holding this meeting was to pressure me more to force me lodging my case in the court of Maldives.

I cannot prove how much the government has put pressure on me during the meeting to lodge my case in Maldivian court. But I can prove this point from the letters I received from the government.

Even though in the letter to me from Home ministry dated 28th June 2009, the government tried to deny their intention of forcing me to settle my case within Maldivian court, but their letter to me on 27th May, 8th June and 24th June 2009 clearly written to lodge my case in “our court” (Maldivian Court). It clearly showed undeniable fact and real intention behind the Home Ministry ordered DPRS (Jail authority) not to provide me food effecting from 1st of June 2009 was to force me to lodge my case in Maldivian Court.

Please notice that my letter addressed to the new Home Minister Mr. Mohamed Shihaab dated 23rd June 2009 was to suggest Maldivian Government to request UN and the Chinese Government with Maldivian Government together to investigate my issue before any court settlement.

As what I understood in a proper international standard to redress such a grave violation of human right and fundamental freedoms have to base on knowing what has really happened. No court in the world could give a just settlement without knowing the fact. In whichever the court to settle this case of a systematic rights abuse, an investigation is necessarily required.

But in the reply of the Home Ministry to me dated 28th June 2009 stated that “regarding your request to investigate your matter by the government of Maldives, we wish to inform you that there is nothing more to be investigated by the government of Maldives. However if you wish to carry out any investigation of your own, we request you to complete such investigation as soon as possible.”

From this statement of the Government clearly indicate that:

1- The government never wants to settle my case in a just way even openly lying. This can be seen clearly from the copy of my letter and the reply letter of the Government.

2- Any settlement in court of Maldives will be based on no need of knowing what happened to me in the jail and how much has effected to my life in China, whatever the Government wish will be the base of the court settlement.

3- Being an individual victim of such serious systematic rights abuse there is no base to carry out my own investigation to present the court of law. It was not something I would have asked. Such an investigation has to be carrying out by an international body such as UN. It means that the government wanted to create an impossible condition from knowing the facts of what have really happened to me for reaching a fair settlement of the court.

Look back from the history of my issue, the fact of my illegal detention in Maldives came to light since April 1997. UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention has declared my detention in Maldives was arbitrary as early as year 2000. This has clearly appeared that not only domestic remedies would be in effective and the unreasonably prolonged but also the Working Group.

From five paged “Opinion No. 4/ 2009 (Maldives) Communication address to the Government from UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention on 28th August 2008 (adopt on 6th May 2009) clearly appears that it’s many information about my issue were wrong and have no information regarding the major crimes done against my life and health in the prison of Maldives such as slow poisoning, I still can bring out solid evidence in the jail to prove that I was slow poisoned even in year 2008 when investigation requires. I also can prove inhumane torturing and ill treatments I have been subjected throughout over 15 years my arbitrary detention in the jail of Maldives with many evidences and witnesses.

According to The Charter of UN, The Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the other related international human rights laws and conventions.

According to Human Rights Council Complain Procedure in entitled UN Human Rights Council, Institution Building (resolution 5/1) to address consistent patterns of gross and reliability attested violation of all human rights and all fundamental freedoms occurring in any part of the world and under any circumstances.

I request Special Procedure of the United Nations Human Rights Council to resume the second stage of UN investigation of my issue which has been pending since September 2003 by the bleeding tragedy took place in jail of Maldives. I don’t see any just solution to redress my despoiled rights without international investigation.

I also request Special Procedure of UN Human Rights Council to consider on much more issues of rights abuse need to be investigated on what have been subjected during the pending period of UN investigation since September 2003 and how the rights abuse of arbitrary releasing since February 2009 was carried out.

I request Special Procedure of UN Human Rights Council to provide me with a copy of the Opinion No. 4/ 2009 (Maldives) Communication address to the Government from UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention on 28th August 2008 (adopt on 6th May 2009) for my needs of information

In my present situation of more than four months (Since 16th February 2009) I have been sleeping in the stair case just outside of DPRS Office with cut off providence of other basic living needs from the government. It has been a month (since 1st June 2009) cutting off providence of food from the government under basis of arbitrary releasing. I request United Nation Human Rights Council with the Government of China to take immediate action for my situation of endangered life safety in a foreign country to provide me with:

1- Proper food and medication before the end of international investigation and settlement of my issue of over 15 years of arbitrary detention and followed by arbitrary releasing in Maldives.

2- International Human Rights standard living condition and life safety

3- LLM Degree Human Rights Lawyer for my legal assistance.

4- Means of getting fair redressing for my despoiled rights in accordance with International Human Rights Standard.

I call for help of all kind for seeking a fair redressing of my despoiled rights.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Thank you

Yours sincerely

Richard Wu Mei De

Copy to:

- Chinese Government

- International and Maldivian media

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